Monday, October 6, 2008

Revisiting a past I never knew....

When my grandmother passed away, she left a treasure trove of 8mm family films. (Literally over 150 reels!) My darling sister in law works at a video production studio and told me that she has the capability to transfer them to DVD.

So, my dear uncle (who's been keeping them safe since my grandmother's passing) brought them to me at the wedding.

The DVDs are from as early as the late 60s. My mom's 17th birthday is on one of the reels! It's amazing to look back to a time when I wasn't even a "twinkle in my mama's eye."

Some of the most amazing footage is of my grandparents and great-grandparents. My grandfather and great grandmother died when I was 3 and my great grandfather even before that. Needless to say, I have virtually no memory of them.

These films are like a (soundless) time machine. I've seen pictures, but it's amazing to see them smile and laugh with everyone.


The Bigham Family said...

I remeber my all of my grandparents fairly well, except my mom's dad. He died when I was 6. It would be wonderful to see the memories of all the family. I would love to see my parents when they were in their younger years! I am so happy that you get to watch them, that has to me awesome!

Sarah Q {photography for happy people} said...

That's awesome! I wanna do that with all our old family films, too.

The Bigham Family said...

Sara, you need to update! We need some newly-wed pics!