Friday, April 17, 2009

Sally's first catch

Most of my friends that blog are posting things about their babies "firsts." First step, first world, first solid food, etc.

So, I'm going to tell you about one of Sally's firsts....

This past weekend was the annual Burnet Bluebonnet Festival which is the biggest thing since Kool-Aid if you live in the Highland Lakes area. It's like homecoming in other towns. People come from miles around for the foot-long corn dogs, funnel cake and tater twisters.

Nelly was one of the pilgrims who journeyed to Burnet County in search of some food for the soul (and to hang out with the fam).

On Sunday, when we had our fill of all the fried goodness the festival had to offer, we decided to journey out for a "fresh" breakfast. As we were getting ready to leave, Nelly made it downstairs first and let out a scream.

"Oh my god! Come look at this! Ewwwww!"

We ran downstairs to find Sally, who had brought us a little treat. If you can't tell, yep, it's a bird. Ick! (Doesn't she look evil here?)

She was so proud of herself!

Sadly, her aunt Nelly picked the bird up and threw it out (after informing Sally's mom that birds carry many diseases). Thanks Aunt Nelly!

Though it was a gross discovery, we were pretty proud. She's been trying to catch a bird since we first starting letting her go outside. Her collar is so loud that she's not exactly stealth and she's still learning how to pounce and catch her "prey" on the first try.

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