Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Sunday Blues....

As a teacher, I feel like I look forward to the weekend just as much (if not more) than the students. It's nice to have a break after 5 days (as I'm sure it is in every profession).

Since school began I've found that I have the "Sunday blues." I wake up on Sunday mornings happy that it's the weekend, but sad because it's my "last" day before I have to return to the grindstone.

I've tried to combat the feelings today by doing fun and relaxing things. Peter and I cleaned his rent houses. I talked to my friend Amber on the phone for a while about our crazy men and our crazy little (fur) girls. I watched the Sex and the City movie on DVD (with and without commentary, very fun!) And I took a bubble bath. All in all, a good day.

It's nice to have a day to relax and unwind, especially because I don't feel like I get to spend enough time at home with my 106 mile (roundtrip) commute every day.

Any thoughts on combating the Sunday Blues?


the Sebring's said...

Totally know how you feel. Now instead of dreading the work week I dread not having an extra pair of hands with GA when Russ goes to work!

Sarah Q {photography for happy people} said...

I try to hide from people who want photo sessions on Sundays. I should come hang out with you :) They'll never find me at your place!

Sara Te said...

Yes! You should totally come hide here. Though, if someone found out you were in Marble Falls they'd probably want to do a session here.